We are quickly approaching our due date for Baby #2 (only 10 more weeks to go) so I figure I do another round of Baby Favorites… or rather things that I know worked from Baby #1 and some new things I have discovered and want to try out for Baby #2 (based on reviews from friends and other bloggers)!
1. I just discovered Bannor Toys and I am in LOVE! They make the most beautiful wooden rattles in a ton of different designs and even personalize them too. I ordered one for baby #2.
2. They make all kinds of activity mats and I think these are great for keeping babies entertained! It’s a safe little environment for babies to lay on, roll on, look around, bat their tiny fingers at the dangling objects, and chew on whatever they can find.
3. You probably wouldn’t believe it but we used the Sleep Sheep for our son when he was first born and now we are using it again since he’s had some sleep troubles lately. It’s got 4 soothing sounds and our son’s favorite is the whale! If you are a new mama, you will quickly learn the beauty of “white noise” or “just having noise” to help the baby sleep.
4. To this day, Austin still sleeps with his security blanket, Spencer. It’s kind of like the trigger for “sleep time” and they literally have THE CUTEST bond.
5. The 4Moms Origami Stroller opens and closes with a touch of a button. Just try carrying your baby, diaper bag, baby bottle while trying to open and close a manual stroller and you’ll be sold on this. Plus it’s got a cell phone charger, generator on wheels and is about as high tech as these things can get.
6. The first three months of a babies’ lives are like the 4th trimester. Babies like the feeling of being all snuggled and bundled up just like they were in the womb, because that’s what they were used to for 9 months! We went through a ton of swaddle blankets but love the SwaddleMe the best! Why? It has velcro which makes it SUPER easy to swaddle and hard for the baby to break out of.
7. I know in light of some recent news some of you guys may be freaked out about having a video monitor… but we really love our Foscam. I think the key is to make sure you have a unique username and password and to change it often so it’s harder to get hacked! The best part of it is that you can watch the baby from your phone, move the camera around and talk into it too (we went through a phase where we would tell Austin to go back to sleep on it and it worked like a charm)!
8. I honestly didn’t have a lot of luck using baby carriers the first time around, but this time I really do want to try the Solly Baby Wrap! I’ve heard great things about it and it just looks super soft and comfy for baby!
9. We use our TWELVELittle diaper bag almost every day. They are made very well, have lots of different colors and designs and compartments too.
10. Another thing I never really got to try out the first time was the 4Moms Momaroo but one of my friends who just had a newborn has it and LOVES it so much. It’s got some different rocking motions that can help a baby sleep or just relax.
11. Baby moccasins are like the most fashionable baby shoe ever right now. Freshly Picked has nailed it on the head with their marketing strategy, colors and designs. I think I need a pair in every size for baby #2~!
12. And last but not least, every baby needs an extensive book collection, they are educational AND fun! These Disney books are great for little ones since they are soft to the touch.
Click here to see my last Baby Favorites: 0-3 Months post from just after I had Austin!