Dear Austin,
Wow, where do I even begin. This post is WAY overdue as I’m having to compile together many weeks and a couple of months worth of photos. The last letter I wrote to you was your 5 month birthday and you are already 7 months now. To begin, let’s recap the the first 30 weeks of your life.
Look at how big of a boy you have become! You are about 28.5 inches now and 17.5 pounds.
You are an expert at tummy time and lifting yourself up with your arms, rolling around is a piece of cake, and you are quickly mastering the skill of sitting up. Soon enough, you will be crawling (unless you skip straight to walking)… and Mommy and Daddy have not babyproofed the house yet (eeks)!
You drink about 30 oz of milk day (pumped breast milk + formula mixture still) and we’ve also introduced some solids into your diet! You’ve tried bananas, avocado, sweet potato, peaches, and apples to be exact. Hands down, your favorite right now is peaches, and only if they are super sweet. I’m kind of surprised you don’t like avocado that much though, since Mommy and Daddy LOVE it, perhaps it’s just an acquired taste though.
You also had a playdate with Nabeel recently. He flew all the way from DC to see you. He scared you at first but you warmed up to him. We think you are going through a bit of stranger anxiety these days. It’s OK though, people say that it’s just a phase. Another one of your current anxieties is separation anxiety. You love being held (who doesn’t?) and don’t like playing by yourself too much but we’re trying to teach you a little bit of independence. It’s good for you, you’ll have to trust us on that one.
Your Ah Ma and Ah Gong also came back recently and you are getting warmed up to their care, cuddles and kisses. Aunt Jenny, Uncle Andy, cousin Evan, Joy and Bella also sent you what we hope will be your new best friend binky/blanket, Spencer, the dog! We’re in the process of forming your bond with him and we hope he will bring you much joy for many years to come!
P.S. Winners of the Sincerely Sweet Boutique nautical charm bracelet giveaway are Lyndsey A. of The Eyeliner Manifesto, Arra A. of The Princess On The Brink, Ilene G. of Much Love Illy! Congrats ladies! Send me an email at sandyalamode(at)gmail(dot)com with your mailing address and we’ll get the bracelet sent off to ya!