This designer handbag post is sponsored by StockX, all opinions expressed are 100% my own.
You guys know I love to find a great deal. Whether it’s $10 pajamas or a deal on a designer handbag, I like to look for great quality pieces that will last awhile, but will tend to wait for the right time to buy it. When it comes to designer handbags, obviously these items are not an impulse buy, but ones that I save up for and think about a lot before purchasing. My first designer handbag was a Chanel Medium Flap that my mom had gifted me when I turned 30. At first, I was so scared to use it since I didn’t want to ruin it, but then I realized, what was the point in having such a nice bag if you don’t use it? So it was definitely reserved for parties, going out and nice occasions but it is definitely being used! And then a few years ago, I did purchase my first Gucci bag, but actually returned it because when I received it, I thought it was too small for my frame. But in my latest partnership with StockX, when I saw this nude medium Gucci Marmont (which is the same style, but bigger than my previous bag), I knew that it was calling my name.
StockX is the world’s first stock market of “things”, where you can buy or sell your pre-owned authentic designer handbag in a unique space. StockX is a live “bid/ask” marketplace where a seller can set their price, and a buyer can either buy now or place a bid on the item. When a bid meets the ask, the transaction happens automatically. StockX sells Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci and Goyard, all items are in pre-owned excellent condition
But the best part is that all bags are authenticated by StockX experts. If you buy a designer handbag from StockX, it will arrive with a green tag to let you know that it has been verified authentic. I definitely think that one of the biggest hesitations of buying a pre-owned bag online, is the authenticity. There are so many companies out there that make great “fakes”, that sometimes it can be unsettling making such a big purchase online. But I love that StockX helps to do that part of it, since I personally would probably not know the tell tale signs of an authentic vs. fake bag. StockX measures key data points like average price, volume, volatility to name a few. By creating insight around everything related to the price – how many bags are on the market, is the price increasing or decreasing, has it been consistent? They work to provide a more rational way of thinking when it comes to a marketplace and its prices so that way you are making as informed of a decision as possible.
I am absolutely OBSESSED with my new Gucci Marmont designer handbag and will be probably wearing it tons going forward! My Gucci Marmont Bag was listed for $1880 on StockX, but if you look on the Gucci website, the bag costs $2490. When I received it, you could tell that the bag had some wear since the shape wasn’t as firm as you would probably see it new, but there are no real visible marks or scratches on the bag. The bag probably may have been used a handful of times and that’s it. When the bag is essentially 25% off, such an expensive purchase, it’s such a great deal!
Outfit Details:
Sweater: Express
Jeans: Nordstrom
Shoes: Amazon
Sunglasses: Karen Walker
Gucci Marmont Bag c/o StockX
StockX has thousands of pre-owned and pre-loved bags at any given time and you can always check back for new listings. If interested, you can use coupon code SANDYC50 (all uppercase) for $50 off your first designer bag purchase – you might just want to send that code over to anyone who is doing some holiday, birthday or anniversary shopping for you. 😉
Last week’s most clicked link for On Trend Tuesdays Linkup is the beautiful Chioma of C’s Evolution Of Style!! Congrats girl, I am loving this colorblock look! And if you are planning on linking up for this week, please make sure to check out my co-host Kileen of Cute & Little!